Jun 12, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

I think that Boris has finally shown that the words 'Educated at Eton' is not necessarily a qualification for being Prime Minister

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

We call the Canadian Armed Forces the Mafia, Eton is the same 🤣.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Excellent read….. would be amazing to see how many ex pupils either end up with a peerage or of some noble rank or end up in prison……!

As they say: How can you tell if someone went to Eton ?

A: Because they tell you….

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Another fascinating article, Guy! It’s interesting to compare someone like Rory Stewart with Johnson. I saw Stewart speak at King’s Place in London, just before the pandemic, and was impressed by his calm thoughtfulness. I also saw Johnson at the Hay Festival some years ago and was struck by his ego, which was a monstrous beast even then. He’s completely unsuited to public service of any kind.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

I'm not sure that a circle of school friends like Darius Guppy would be of much help to Boris now.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Just heard Boris's voice on the BBC podcast - The Trillion Dollar Conman. Years before he became Mayor, when he was a journalist he still managed to meet some pretty strange people. Over the years he certainly has acquired some 'interesting' contacts. He has come a long way from hosting Have I Got News For You…...

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Your father is all doom and gloom about Boris. I am not. This is very likely a last chance given for Boris. He must ensure he gets on with what he was elected to do (Covid-19 came for every nation as a shock and messed up so much let alone tragically lives lost) and all going well emerge victorious. If he doesn't take this vote, lesson on board seriously then he's finished. I always look on the positive side and have great hopes for everyone whatever their mistakes. But there comes a time when patience is worn to the ultimate end and that is it for Boris if he messes up and anyone else whatever the reason to reach that point. I have no choice of MP to follow him but as a Brexiteer I'll not want a PM bent on returning to the fading EU regime and what the EU has shown to be severely lacking during this invasion of Ukraine. Politics is a grubby business (seen decades of it in voluntary work how MPs PMs behave) and anyone can walk off the street and become an MP or PM. That is democracy and a free nation, and I'd rather Boris than have Corbyn and his Communist mob in No10 who'd no doubt by now have Putin in for beer and sandwiches and Russia uses UK as a military outpost.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

An interesting thought. Given that Russian money has flooded into the Tory party coffers and the Tory party Chair (or is it the Vice -Chair) has an office in Moscow to advise oligarchs about setting up in Britain (presumably without the inconvenience of paying taxes) I'd have thought it more likely that Putins invitation would be coming from Boris. Incidentally, why is it always beer and sandwiches when it's Labour, aren’t they sophisticated enough to appreciate a good red?

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Oligarchs and their huge monies flattered, bought and blackmailed every nation's governments and political parties. I understand the cellars of the Mayor of London's office on the Thames was awash with the finest of clarets and other fine wines which Boris when he won over from Livingstone, sold off. Beer and sandwiches comes from decades ago in political recollections with Wilson in office and always no doubt can be said a class thing about what was drunk and ate. It was also well-known that unions spent time in Moscow getting "their orders" for disrupting any Conservative governments and to ensure strikes and maybe the RMT ones coming soon via such a source too. Unions pay the Labour Party huge funds and the sleaze connected with their MPs accepting payments doesn't get the Press compared to that given to the Conservative Party. Politics is a grubby business. At least we live in a free democratic nation where we're not wondering who will report our very thoughts to a secret police that would have us or anyone end up in the worst circumstances such as torture, long imprisonment or even execution. My East German family tragically know only too well what life under such Kremlin tyranny meant.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

When it comes to character I really don't think it makes a difference if you went to Eton or the local comprehensive. If you are a c**t, you are a c**t. And that is precisely what our PM is.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Guy, you’re getting all the big calls right. Another very insightful and entertaining piece

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

I know little of Eton. What I am sure is that Johnson is loathed in Scotland with a passion. His Old Etonian bluster and buffoonery lands like a dead cat up here. There is zero tolerance for his act, and it is an act. I can’t believe the genuine supporters of the Conservative Party put up with this populist sub-Trump clown.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

The cabal appointed you to write the cover-up? ;-)

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