Bollix. That’s another book I gotta buy! Do enjoy a Higgins. Nearly as thought provoking as SS-GB. As I am sure anyone with a little interest would have wondered, what if...??

Rabbit hole: I remember in the early 90’s talking to a chap called Bob Bunce RN, he was my grandads neighbour in later life and they got on famously. Him being, as you are all bored of hearing now a destroyer man just like Bob. But Bob was on Escort duty. I’d just read Higgin’s Storm warning- which is corny but I love it. Based loosely on Prien’s exploits. I asked Bob about his exploits after reading this book, and told him of the story line. He took me into his study and handed me a double barrelled Very type pistol, with the eagle and swastika engraved on the breach with a U boat number on it. ( I can’t remember the number- really wish I could as I could then check his story out) After handing me the gun he said, “I’d not have let the bastard go, I’d have sunk him. Only good one is a drowned one”. Still 50 years after the war. He couldn’t let go.

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Wow! Thanks for sharing that

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To be honest, it’s why I love these posts you do. Thought provoking and reminded me of him- things I’ve not thought about for years. I know one thing, I wish I had that flare pistol. I can see it plain as day still.

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Renegades is a terrific book. I bought it a few years ago. A shower of useless malcontents.

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It really is, and they really were!

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

That is very interesting just read it. I would love to be able to hear what Alfred Minchin's reasons were for joining

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I'll have a look at Adrian's book in the morning!

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Brings a shudder to my spine, that anyone could have joined the SS from the allies, but along with people from the occupied nations they did, whatever their reasons they are traitors to humanity never mind their respected countries

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Unfortunately every society has its bad eggs, you only have to remember Mosley and his BUF, had the Germans successfully invaded Mosley and his chums would probably have been running the UK for Hitler. I'm pretty sure that if WWII were being fought now, people such as Tommy Robinson would be quite happy to swap sides if they were taken prisoner.

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I quite agree with you Fion!

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