So you’re basically either using it to ‘give your hair volume’ or to ‘mold it to your head’ - makes no sense.

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I question the use of a hairdryer. Unless you’re a hairdresser. Will now Google ‘why men use hairdryers’ and let you know my findings.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

"Now I know that in some countries nearly all men use these things, but in Britain, they are big no-no, a sign of almost absurd vanity."

Most British sentence ever

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I take this as a compliment!!

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Please do.

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Whatever makes you feel comfortable and good!

At the age of 48 a friend tried to get me into the whole male grooming thing. ( it was a Dubai thing I think) let’s just say, I’d sooner wear Eau de Channel than Eau de Chanel and am happier covered in oil, grease and fish guts. We didn’t last long. 🤣

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Go for it. Look good. Your skin is your body's largest organ and appreciates being pampered and loved. Why should men all age to look like shrivelled old prunes with deep crags on their faces? Slap on the moisturising cream and I only use E45 products as have allergies and costs so little compared to all the hugely expensive goop supposed to make one look decades younger. Don't tan too much, skin doesn't like that, or it will only encourage skin cancers as your father knows only too well. Your hair too loves being looked after but if using Maccassar oil or similar that would stain soft furnishing chair backs sit with care. A bit of hair spray to ensure when filming an annoying single strand of hair doesn't falls over the forehead... In older age ear hairs nose hairs, eyebrows for men need attention, we ladies have instead those beastly tough hairs on our chins, upper lips and lasers will only destroy dark hairs not the white ones. Good strong tweezers are an essential to our old age! Splash on the aftershave. Who wants men ponging as once they did thinking it was manly to be old sweat scented and soap bars like Lifebuoy advertised it would give "personal freshness" which in the tropics where I used to live didn't "last all day". But Rylan's teeth (has he had veneers stuck on?) are just TOO TOO white though part of his image. Teeth too white in period films etc are so annoying as so few had such a rows of fine dazzling pearlies that bleaching now brings. I wanted dazzling white teeth like film stars when I was a child so I brushed my teeth with extra care but no dazzle ever came. By doing this and in the habit of good brushing have good teeth and gums as my dentist told me for my age (almost 71). I look after them and only few fillings. Use those dental brushes too (like TV's sports presenter Gaby tells us to do) to remove the food between as gums shrink in ageing. Look after your adult teeth they are the only ones you'll have!

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I had a good chuckle at that,Guy. I share most of those habits, barring the hair. That's now down to a No.1 every 4 weeks bent over the bath. And, No! That's not a euphimism.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

The real arbiter of what is acceptable in your household, is, of course, la Henning. We just bob in her wake.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

'There’s also a bloody-minded part of me that sees no reason why I should let myself go. I’m certainly not trying to look younger, but what I am doing is to look the best I can for the age I’m at. Is that a crime? I think not, and I hope that others agree.'

Of course.

Also: blocked.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

My father always used to vow that he would fight the ageing process ALL THE WAY, until he put some kind of Grecian 2000 thing on his bonce and it made him look like a reject from a Hammer House of Horror production. He swiftly moved to “growing old gracefully”. You’re always immaculately smart and debonair. Just a word of advice on blow drying your hair: bouffants are never good.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

My father was prematurely grey (actually white) haired. He was in his early 40s when Grecian 2000 first came on the market. It turned his hair bright green. The same thing happened to his drinking buddy our next door neighbour Pat. But, being Irish, Pat didn't really mind.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Green?! Oh no. My father was right to be suspicious of the stuff then. I once used that Sun-In stuff, marketed as a cheap way of putting highlights in your hair (“for that sun-kissed look”), and it turned my hair bright orange. I looked like the lucky gonk I had at school.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

So glad I am not the only one...... As for shaving it's safety razors all the way and I never use anything else except the softest badger brushes, finest shaving cream or soaps. Even when I am at sea or in the field (I am a military member). I also splurge on soaps and skin creams. My current soap of choice is from Marseilles.

As for ear hair, yes it is a function of getting older sadly. When my wife and I first started dating when she noticed it was getting scraggly, she would sweetly call me over and gently trim the affected areas. Now, after 3 yyears of marriage she grabs me by whatever ear is closest and shoves the trimmer in. Sounds like a weed whacker.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Are you ready for your closeup? Kxx

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

I've always been "well groomed". But my beauty regime has changed a little over the years. The hair dryer consigned to a drawer as my hair style changed, but may need to make a reappearance soon as the riah gets a touch longer. I don't use face packs as often as I used to. And I've never had a repeat of friends turning up early for a dinner only to find me plastered in Body Shop Cornflower face mask, a bright blue, making me look particularly Pictish. The ultimate luxury, the hot towel shave in a Turkish Barber Shop is still a great treat, but I've declined the offer of having my nasal hair waxed. I've been told by the ladies that I "smell lovely", as I used a number of different colognes when younger, though I stick to Trumper's Extract of West Indian Limes these days. Some of these colognes did get me into trouble. Crowded into a police "carrier" (mini bus) with about a dozen large Glaswegian cops, enquiries were being asked about "that smell". Without thought I replied "It's my Obsession for Men". Cue uncomfortable silence......

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

As someone who is apparently young and therefore* trendy* all I can say is it really doesn’t matter if that’s what it takes to make you feel good about how you present yourself. I think there is a line with taking it too far, but that depends on your personality and how you play it. In Rylan’s case, he is able to embrace it as part of his persona, even making fun of it at times. I use more than a few products myself, and am actually quite proud of taking control of my appearance. I have always suffered with abysmally bad skin on my hands especially, therefore my bedside table is akin to a full apothecary with the amount of creams and ointments which only work once. As for my hair, I like it long-ish, but not flowing, and especially do not like it falling in front of my face when driving because you know - I value not getting wrapped around an SUV being driven by someone on their phone. Therefore I use all manner of sprays and creams for that, but I don’t use a hair dryer as that is just a faff.

I think there is nothing wrong with taking pride in ones appearance, and it is better than going for an ostensibly apathetic look (which granted, is a look unto itself).

Look at it this way - “manly” men always seem to deride male grooming and style, but you’d be hard pressed to find one who doesn’t fantasise about being James Bond…

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Oh and I occasionally use l’Occitane aftershave as it reminds me of Provence which is a special place for me

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Goodness that’s a intensive regimen. I opt for Chanel aftershave, have done for many years. And for hair care a dab of Brylcreem to assert some control. In the end if you’re comfortable and Mrs Walt approves who are we to suggest you’re a dandy?

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

You'll be getting a tattoo next

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters

Please no more moving towards Rylan...he just looks fake to me. You, however, practically perfect. As I've often noted, elegance personified.

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I'm going to frame this comment Maureen!

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Guy Walters


I sent you my address for the free book...but it hasn't arrived. Should I worry that the post-person has stolen it?

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